What is Cancer? Why it is dangerous?

Cancer is basically a disease caused by uncontrolled growth of cells in body which invade and spread in other parts of body also, which is in general caused by abnormality in genetic material of cell. Today, Cancer has become one of the most deadly killers because every year 12-15% people die from cancer. Moreover, numbers of Cancer cases are increasing with each passing year. Many scientists believe that present life style is major reason behind increase in this deadly disease.

Cancer also becomes a very deadly disease because mostly it is too difficult to save people suffering from cancer. There are many therapies available for treatment of cancer, however, no therapy or treatment provides a 100% cure to this disease. Cancer mostly makes tumors inside body due to abnormal growth of cells; these tumors can increase their size and spread to other parts of body. Though, in cancer forms like leukemia (blood cancer), we do not see the formation of tumors.

So far, scientists have not succeeded in discovering actual cause of cancer, however, it is believed that cancer can be caused by genetic factors, smoking, and exposure to radiations, various infections or due to chemical intake. Cancer is mostly divided in four stages. Cancer in first two stages is believed as curable; however, problem with most of cancer cases is that when people got diagnosed with cancer then they have already passed first and second stage. Mostly, cancer is diagnosed in third and fourth stage where there is no cure available for cancer.

Chances of cancer increases with age and it affects more people above age of 40, however, cancer in younger age is also very common. People can easily decrease chances of cancer up to 30-40% by having healthy life style which includes healthy eating habits, stress free life, regular exercise, and no smoking etc.

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