Comparison is a greatest disease

Comparison is one of the greatest diseases in this world and we are taught to do it from our birth. From our birth, our parents start comparing us with other children. Simultaneously, our teachers, coaches, and other known ones compare us with other children. From the beginning, we are being told to compare ourselves with others. This is the greatest disease because everybody is born unique and comparison is not possible. I am just myself and you are yourself, there is no comparison possible. There is nobody in the universe with whom you can be compared. Each man is unique like the uniqueness of each DNA and atom. 

Everybody is born here for the first time and there never existed any individual like you before. Therefore no comparison is possible and comparison only brings trouble. If someone falls victim to this disease of comparison then he will become either very egoistic or very bitter. It all depends upon whom you compare yourself with. If you compare yourself with people who are successful than you, highly placed than you, greater in wealth than you, you will become bitter. 

You will become a complaint against the existence and anger will enter into your mind that why you are not more successful or wealthy than others? You will start asking questions like why I am not like others? Why I am not physically strong? Why I am not beautiful? Why I am not intelligent? Why I am not this or that? and thousands of other questions. If we go on doing this then we will become very bitter. Our life will become poisoned by comparison. 

We will always remain in a state of depression and behave as life has betrayed us. On the other hand, if we compare ourselves with people who are in some way lesser than us, then we will become very egoistic. That is the reason why rich people collect a lot of poor people around them. This gives the opportunity to feel big and rich. Ordinary people look at the success of the rich, their houses, their achievements and therefore feel bitter about their existence. 

They start looking to God as it has betrayed them and how they can be thankful to him? Therefore without thankfulness, there is no prayer and without prayer, there is no religion. But a person who understands the uniqueness of everybody feels immense gratitude in whatsoever universe has given to him. If we do not compare then we are neither bigger nor smaller, neither ugly nor beautiful, neither intelligent nor stupid. And if we do not compare then we are simply what God has created us? In this state, people can experience great gratitude towards existence.
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