Indian stock market and terror funding

Finally, it has become clear that terrorist organisations are using Indian stock market for their gain. Indian Finance Minister P Chidambaram today admitted this fact in the Parliament. He admitted that government is presently investigating one such case where funds are believed to come from a terrorist organisation. Earlier, there were only speculations about any such kind of the presence of terror organisation’s funds in the stock market.

Presently, Indian stock market is booming and therefore number of terrorist organisation from India and abroad want to increase their wealth by investing the stock market. However, as per the market experts it is very difficult to determine that how much money is present in stock market which is funded by the terrorist organisation. Around the world various terror organisations have used stock markets for increasing their wealth.

Even Al Qaeda is believed to have invested in American stock market before 9/11 attacks. Indian government really need to put a strict eye on these kinds of the investment because these funds can be utilized for the terror attacks. So far, market has not reacted to this news and it closed today with slight decline. However, market can react negatively tomorrow to this news. At present Indian government do not want to put any control on the Stock market because it can affect negatively the positive sentiments of the market.

Watch CNN-IBN video news on this Issue-

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8)Indian stock market crashing 1000 points in two days
9)Indian stock Market crossing 18000 points, what is next?
10)Live NSE and BSE


  1. Anonymous6:59 AM

    The biggest terrorists are company owners like RPL who terrorrise small investors by looting their money!!

    read this - >
    Between November 1 and November 6, 2007, a particular group made short sales of 10crore shares of Reliance Petroleum in the futures segment of National Stock Exchange costing Rs.3,000 crores approximately. they made a cool Rs 1,000 crores in less than a month, because the Reliance Petroleum shares have now crashed from Rs.295 to Rs 195 per share!. These guys have made Rs.100 per share.

    isnt it ironic that someone knew that RIL was going to sell a huge quantity of shares and the prices were bound to come down?

    My 2nd question is Who financed these traders for their margins? Where has this profit gone? and who bore the loss???

    Its innocent small investors who bought Reliance Petroleum shares at the high prices, not knowing that this unholy alliance was indulging in insider trading and making illegal profits while Mukesh Ambani's own company RIL was selling shares without disclosing this to investors!!

  2. I believe Governments should have a watchful eyes on all financial markets, banks etc. Its their Job to do so.
    It is no secret, Market is open for all and all sor of money will pour in. White/Black/Red all sorts will just pour in.
    Saudi Arabia had more than 30% of all foreign investments in the US alone during its boom time. Lately they have pulled out a lot of money from US and investing elsewhere including, China, India and ASEAN countries.
    Quite possible money is also commin in from terrorists amongst Saudi Millionaires, From Mafias in Russia, or even Dawood.

  3. i think government, sebi and corporate sector should come forward and put their whole hearted efforts to track the investment made by terrorist organisation and freeeze them.

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