BJP’s hopes of forming a government in Karnataka saw yet another setback when JD(S), coalition partner of BJP in Karnataka, withdrew their support from one week old BJP lead government. With this BJP’s first South Chief Minister B S Yeddyurappa has no option left but to give his resignation to governor. Otherwise, Yeddyurappa was required to prove majority in Karnataka assembly tomorrow. However, with the withdrawal of support by the JD(S) fate of BJP lead government was very clear.
Now, Karnataka has again entered in to president rule for the second time in a single month. This BJP-JD(S) fight was continuing from last three month over the power sharing agreement. First JD(S) created problem in the power transfer to BJP two months back which say president rule in state then again after few days back both parties come again to form a BJP lead government. However, today this government again fell over the disagreement on new 12 point agenda of power sharing introduced by JD(S) just before the vote of confidence.
BJP found this agenda non-acceptable and the result of this available in front of us. This whole episode was a big political drama in the history of Indian political and showed to the people that how politician can go to any extent for power. This development is also a big setback for the BJP hopes of forming a government in South states, now BJP is required to wait for few more months or years to complete this dream.
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