Akali Dal in Punjab has adopted the strategy of its alliance partner BJP to impress the business class. The Punjab election is hardly a month away, therefore both the main parties Akali Dal and Congress are trying their best to woo the voters. Leaders from both the parties are attending local meeting and asking the local people to vote for them. Hoardings are already a common story and can be seen around the highway, on crowded roads and on the high raised establishments.
Akali's and Congress both are using the print media to announce and appeal to voters with their agenda's. Print media holds a very dominating position in Punjab and there it is very difficult to neglect it. Many single page ads can be found on the daily news papers in all the languages. Akali Dal is promising in its ads to provide more suitable business environment to the businessman of the Punjab. Recent few years the industrial growth in Punjab has seen a significant decline with many companies opting for the Himachal and Uttranchal excise free zones.
The power situation is also not good in the state, therefore creating a more costs to run an industry here. Many VAT rules are still very complex and need more reforms. The other states have grown many times than the Punjab, causing a real concern to the people of the Punjab. Therefore Akali Dal is boosting all these matters to get the mileage from it. In their latest print ads they are assuring people about the measures in all these segments and a businessman friendly state. It is the time which will tell the real results and work done.
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Akali's and Congress both are using the print media to announce and appeal to voters with their agenda's. Print media holds a very dominating position in Punjab and there it is very difficult to neglect it. Many single page ads can be found on the daily news papers in all the languages. Akali Dal is promising in its ads to provide more suitable business environment to the businessman of the Punjab. Recent few years the industrial growth in Punjab has seen a significant decline with many companies opting for the Himachal and Uttranchal excise free zones.
The power situation is also not good in the state, therefore creating a more costs to run an industry here. Many VAT rules are still very complex and need more reforms. The other states have grown many times than the Punjab, causing a real concern to the people of the Punjab. Therefore Akali Dal is boosting all these matters to get the mileage from it. In their latest print ads they are assuring people about the measures in all these segments and a businessman friendly state. It is the time which will tell the real results and work done.
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