Role of emotions in life

Emotions play a major role in our life because we are governed by them in most parts of our life. Many people even after achieving success or attaining an old age remain in the grip of emotions. This is not the fault of anyone because we all are living in a close system of society where our previous behaviours and experiences determine our next actions. Some of the emotions like fear, sex, anger, love and grief etc are so strong that they compel us to do lot of things which we will never do if we think on them properly. For example many people kill others due to angry and due to fear we accept the crimes of the others.

Strong emotions are good but it is bad to be in control of them. Mostly we never realize when we go in the control of these emotions. In the situations of strong emotions lot of hormones are secreted by our body which makes it impossible for our brain to take any decisions. In this situation our most of the decisions are based on previous experiences or inherent behaviours. The problem is that when we go in the control of emotion then we are not only dangerous for our self but we become equally dangerous for others. We never realize how our behaviour hurts others mentally and physically. In psychological and intellectual terms this state can be referred as non control on emotions or weakness of brain in controlling emotions.

For coming out of these situations we need control on our emotions and a strong brain which can easily come out of these emotional disturbances. For this we need to understand our emotions and their roles in our life. We need to realize that up to which extent we are in control of our emotions. Having knowledge about something is a one thing but to really correct them is a big fight. This is true in many episodes where people commit suicides due to not being able to control their emotions. In these situations emotions have eaten the person and most of these people never realize that they are the victims of their emotions. Second thing is to make our brain and thinking power strong enough so that no emotion can take control of us. This thing can we achieved with positive outlook and regular small exercises like realizing emotions but not allowing them to disturb us.

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