Diamonds is a one of the unique gift of this nature. It is a stone which shines in darkness. Almost all the woman around the world feel very-2 happy to possess a diamond and diamond rings are one of major source of fulfilling their dreams. Diamond rings comes in the price bracket of few hundred dollars, which make them easily affordable to anybody. All this has become possible due to the growing market of diamonds. Diamond is a unique stone, which has the power to capture light. A single ray of light when entered into diamond remains entrapped for longer time. Light rays remain reflected again and again inside the diamond making it the one the most shinning object on earth. Therefore by wearing a diamond woman got feeling of possessing best object on earth. We all can learn from diamond to use minimum energy to maximum extent and shine. We most of time lose our energy which making us dull. More we can derive a similarity between a beautiful shining woman and a shining diamonds in her hand.