Beware of Email Hacking

Today, it is very hard for large numbers of people to imagine a life without an email account. Email has become very important part of our life and we use it for various important communication needs. As spread of internet is increasing throughout the world so many wrong elements are also emerging which want to misuse others email accounts by hacking them. These people do use very simple hacking methods like this mail

Dear Account User
Your email address needs verification for user safety. There is an on going email congestion due to anonymous registration of our service so we are shutting down some Rediffmail accounts and your account will be automatically deleted. Still interested in using our services,please filling the space below for verification purpose by clicking the reply button.
User name: ...........................

Password: ............................

Date Of Birth ........................

Country: ................................
Your account will not be interrupted after following the instructions and your service will continue as normal. Thanks for your attention
Notice: Account owner that refuses to verify his/her email account after one week of receiving this notice will lose his or her account permanently. We apologize for any inconveniences.

Your's sincerely

Which ask people to send their personal information back through reply. These emails are sent to millions of people and sometimes, few people reply to such mails by considering them genuine mails. It is advice to all people to beware of similar looking emails and never reply to them.
It is also important to learn that no email service provider will ever ask any email user to send such information like password, date of birth etc.
These hacked email accounts can be used for wrong purpose, thus landing people in problem.
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