In recent times, adulteration in food items have become very common phenomenon and every day, we hear numbers of such news of food adulteration where police or health authorities unearth such rackets of food adulteration. All these news only confirms that we are eating adulterated food and we cannot trust anymore food which we are going to eat. Many of such culprit use toxic and poisonous chemical materials for food adulteration which can cause harmful diseases like cancer. Farmers are injecting vegetables with chemicals so that they can grow faster while milkmen are injecting cows with similar chemicals to increase quantity of milk. Many gangs are making adulterated food items from toxic materials and then levelling them as branded products. Therefore, it becomes hard to clearly tell that we are eating a healthy and hygienic food or not. It becomes very important for government to stop food adulterations and provide healthy and good food to people; though, so far government have failed to take any positive measures in this regard. Below, I am suggesting few ways which can help in putting control on wide spread menace of food adulteration.
1) First and most important point is to increase awareness among masses about food adulteration and educating people about how to check food adulteration.
2) Making stringent laws against food adulteration.
3) Increasing levels of food safety standards and creating clear guidelines and laws for food manufacturers,
4) Punishing strongly all culprits involved in food adulteration.
5) Development of new technologies which can check food adulteration in food items.
6) Creating a strong and adulteration free distribution system of good food items.
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1) First and most important point is to increase awareness among masses about food adulteration and educating people about how to check food adulteration.
2) Making stringent laws against food adulteration.
3) Increasing levels of food safety standards and creating clear guidelines and laws for food manufacturers,
4) Punishing strongly all culprits involved in food adulteration.
5) Development of new technologies which can check food adulteration in food items.
6) Creating a strong and adulteration free distribution system of good food items.
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