This is second article in this series, people can read first article in this series by visiting Cost of living life in Big Cities. In last articles, I discussed about why people from villages migrate to big towns and what they miss after settling in these towns. In this article, I will further discuses this topic and why people basically migrate to cities.
The main reason of millions of people migrating to big towns is lack of good earning and educational opportunities in villages. These two basic requirements of life force large numbers of people to leave their villages and migrate to big cities which can fulfil these needs. At the time of independence, India was a village nation with 80% of its population living in villages; however, soon after independence India saw wide spread migratory phenomenon from villages to big cities. Therefore, Indian cities started becoming bigger and bigger mainly because of these migrations and some of these big cities of India like Delhi, Mumbai etc have more numbers of people living in them as compared to many small states of India.
The main reason of millions of people migrating to big towns is lack of good earning and educational opportunities in villages. These two basic requirements of life force large numbers of people to leave their villages and migrate to big cities which can fulfil these needs. At the time of independence, India was a village nation with 80% of its population living in villages; however, soon after independence India saw wide spread migratory phenomenon from villages to big cities. Therefore, Indian cities started becoming bigger and bigger mainly because of these migrations and some of these big cities of India like Delhi, Mumbai etc have more numbers of people living in them as compared to many small states of India.
Today, roughly half population of India lives in villages and remaining half lives in cities; so, India is no more a village nation. Further this migratory phenomenon is shrinking Indian villages and increasing size of big cities. Initial governments played very negative role in developing Indian villages and providing all basic facilities to village people. Today, we can see some growth in some Indian villages; however, still this growth in not enough and not spread equally across all villages. Therefore, it is very hard to see any change in this trend and in coming few years; India will become a nation of cities.
There are also other needs which force people from villages to migrate to cities and some of these needs are need of healthcare facilities, need of technology, need of modern facilities etc. Though, Internet has emerged as good solutions for bridging this gap between villages and cities because it is making important things accessible to villages also. Schemes from government like The National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) have provided some positive results and we need more similar schemes from government to solve basic problems of rural people. At the end, I can only say that this trend is likely to continue for some more time till government provides all basic things to people in villages.