This is a ten year old story of 31, March 1997 when two unarmed businessmen from Haryana Pradeep Goyal and Jagjit Singh faced number of Delhi police bullets on their different parts of body. This incidence took place in the heart of the Delhi at Connaught Place in the presence of hundreds of people. Both innocent businessmen (Pradeep Goyal and Jagjit Singh) dead on the spot while the third person seating on the back seat of the blue esteem car survived the injuries and become the main witness in this whole fake encounter.
This encounter team is lead by Delhi police’s ACP S S Rathi, which include nine other police men in plain clothes. Police opened fire on these innocent businessmen from Haryana because police has information about UP based gangster moving in same coloured esteem with UP number plate. It was the bad luck of these businessmen that they were also present on the same place with matching vehicle description. However, still Delhi police can have avoided this whole incidence by asking these people for surrender or by giving them time for showing their identity.
After this whole incidence when Delhi police discovered their fault then they tried to mislead the investigators by plotting a gun and some bullets in the car. This incidence has also pointed towards the number of fake encounters which takes place in India. In this case, families of the victims were strong both financially and mentally and therefore, they fought this case for long ten years, whereas there are good chances that number of other such incidences may never get any justice. Indian police system really needs an immediate widespread improvement; however, despite of number of recommendations our governments have failed in doing anything positive in this direction.
Yesterday, after 10 years long wait court finally awarded 10 year life sentence to all the 10 police men involved in this case. The credit to justice in this case can be given to CBI, witnesses and families of victims.
Also read-Tandoor case-A right decision
Finally a justice after 10 years
This encounter team is lead by Delhi police’s ACP S S Rathi, which include nine other police men in plain clothes. Police opened fire on these innocent businessmen from Haryana because police has information about UP based gangster moving in same coloured esteem with UP number plate. It was the bad luck of these businessmen that they were also present on the same place with matching vehicle description. However, still Delhi police can have avoided this whole incidence by asking these people for surrender or by giving them time for showing their identity.
After this whole incidence when Delhi police discovered their fault then they tried to mislead the investigators by plotting a gun and some bullets in the car. This incidence has also pointed towards the number of fake encounters which takes place in India. In this case, families of the victims were strong both financially and mentally and therefore, they fought this case for long ten years, whereas there are good chances that number of other such incidences may never get any justice. Indian police system really needs an immediate widespread improvement; however, despite of number of recommendations our governments have failed in doing anything positive in this direction.
Yesterday, after 10 years long wait court finally awarded 10 year life sentence to all the 10 police men involved in this case. The credit to justice in this case can be given to CBI, witnesses and families of victims.
Also read-Tandoor case-A right decision
Finally a justice after 10 years