Recently Ludhiana got two multiplexes in the form of PVR Cinemas, Flamez Mall and Waves Cinemas, The West End Mall. Most of the people in Ludhiana are happy that now they will be able to watch newer movies with the world class comfort. With the opening these two multiplexes, people of Ludhiana have the hope of watching all the movies which they are missing so for. Mostly English and low budget good movies are not screened in Ludhiana earlier due to the shortage of the theatres for them. Therefore people of the Ludhiana mostly remain away from watching these movies. Now with the opening of these two multiplexes, people have the hope that they will be now able to see these movies also. However, the English movies lovers are not so happy with the present strategy of these multiplexes because after initial screening of few English movies they are only showing regular big Hindi budget movies. Due to this number of English movie lovers are angry with this strategy adopted by the PVR and Waves. Both PVR and Waves have four screens, therefore it is very well possible for them to show at least three shows any English movie and three shows a good low budget movie instead of going with repetition of same movies week after week. We can only hope that both PVR and Wave see in to this matter and also try to provide entertainment opportunities to this audience too.
Also read-
1)How to book PVR Cinemas and Wave Cinemas Tickets?
2)The WestEnd Mall- A mall to watch in Ludhiana
3)Wave Cinemas in Ludhiana
4)Review-Flamez PVR Ludhiana
5)Finally Ludhiana Got it’s first PVR