If someone asks me that
Whom I believe the biggest villain then I will reply it is the human ego. Today, we
live in a world where human ego has increased very much and everyone is just interested in his self glory. This is sad part of an egoist that he didn’t see
The negative sides of life; however, remains busy in highlighting negative sides of
others lives. Moreover, this circle of ego is so complex that any person who
enters it never returns back.
To some
extent, we all are victim of human ego and take many decisions in life which
originate from our ego. The decisions which we take under the influence of the ego
are mostly wrong because they are taken by considering only side of life.
Today, humanity suffers in a big way because human ego is becoming
stronger and stronger. We are only thinking about ourselves while leaving
behind others. Due to this approach, we see a world full of hatred and violence.
Therefore, I believe that the human ego is the biggest villain in the present world.
Human Ego