Few years back, it was very difficult to track couriers in India because there was no tracking system present at all. Therefore, you always remain blind on delivery of couriers. However, today almost all courier companies in India have adopted tracking system which helps you in tracking your shipments. Leading players like Fedex and Bluedart started this service for first time in India and now it is available with all leading courier services.
Tracking system of many courier services like Gati gives you point to point information on shipment thus makes it very easy for you to track your shipment. In recent past, I was able to get few of my couriers on time because I have tracking code with me. To use this service, you need a tracking code which is mostly same as bill number on courier receipt.
To track your courier, you are required to visit official website of Courier Company and enter tracking code. After clicking submit button, you get all information of courier. I have used this service many times and found it very useful. I do hope that you will also like this service to tack your couriers.
Tracking system of many courier services like Gati gives you point to point information on shipment thus makes it very easy for you to track your shipment. In recent past, I was able to get few of my couriers on time because I have tracking code with me. To use this service, you need a tracking code which is mostly same as bill number on courier receipt.
To track your courier, you are required to visit official website of Courier Company and enter tracking code. After clicking submit button, you get all information of courier. I have used this service many times and found it very useful. I do hope that you will also like this service to tack your couriers.