Economy which makes rich more rich and poor more poor

Today, we state many tall claims about high GDP growth and ever increasing economy of world. However, we all miss to interpret negative effects of this economy bubble. Does any one have answer to this question that despite many fold increase in economy, the number of poor, hungry and unemployed people have increased. 

Does anyone can justify the massive damage done to nature on the account of economic growth? Today, we are part of blind economic growth story which is like a bubble ready to burst any moment. This economic growth is making people poor in every term by converting people in to puppets. People are sold dreams of happiness and richness which actually makes them poor and weak. 

In this system, more people try to become rich and happier; more poor and unhappy they emerge because people earn money and on other side value of their money got decreased. Fluctuating world currencies create a world of uncertainty where some people make billions from thin air while billions of other fails to earn single time meal. Selfishness is major cause of this corruption where we are cheating each other. 

    1. It is important for us to understand side effects of economical growth story and become part of true reality which can never be an corrupted economical success. In this economy, if a single person become rich then 10 other people become poor so how we can hope for any betterment with this economy. 

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