In next two months, lots of people will pay premiums of various life insurance policies taken by them. There are many leading players in life insurance segment like LIC, Reliance, ICICI, Bajaj Allianz etc. Earlier, people were required to visit offices of these insurance companies to pay premiums; however, today most of life insurance companies allow people to pay their premiums online and without any hassle.
People can even use their credit cards or net banking accounts for paying premiums online. Though, for paying LIC premium online people can only use net banking because credit cards are not accepted on LIC website. People can give standing instructions to their credit card company for paying your LIC or other life insurance premiums in advance.
With the help of online payment option, people can easily pay their premiums online while saving lots of time. It is very easy to use this online payment feature and payment receipts are immediately made available to people for download and print. People who use net banking constantly can easily get help of this facility to pay premiums easily and on time.