Below, people can enjoy one of the most inspirational and real video present in our world. This video was taken by international media on 5 June, 1989 of an unknown rebel student who stopped advancement of Chinese tanks by standing in front of them. So far no information is present about the actual name of this person who took such a bold step because of total crack down on information by Chinese government; however, people across the world have given this person nick name of “TankMan”. This video got lot of appreciation around the world by international media as Life magazine termed it as “Top 100 photos which changed the world” and Times Magazine termed TankMan as “Top 100 most influential people of world”. This is a rare kind of popularity gained by this unknown person who may not have survived Chinese army crackdown as numbers of rebel students died in this struggle. This tankman today symbolises for “Stand up for what we believe and Never give up”.