Today, new figure of inflation for week ending June 7, 2008 surprised every Indian because inflation figures have seen a rise of more than 2 % in just one week. Now, inflation has touched new height with value of 11.05% which is highest value of inflation in last 13 years. Somewhat increase in inflation was expected by experts because of rise in petrol and gas prices.
Last time, in 1995 in the Month of May inflation was reported 11.11%, after which inflation never again touched back this height. However, this time inflation is making new records and moreover, there are good chances that inflation value can further increase in future because crude oil and palm oil prices are still not stable in world market. Last week, inflation figure was only 8.75% and people only expected marginal increase in inflation this week.
However, new figures of inflation surprised every person. These increasing figures are also pointing towards increasing difficulties for common Indians, who are already suffering from massive price rise of essential commodities. Major Price rise is seen in eatable items which effects very hardly to general public of India. People’s kitchen budget is rising at alarming rate every month, thus collapsing total budget of ordinary Indians.
Prices of most of the essential eatable items have already seen many times jumps. However, government of India also look helpless in this situation and they are only using wait and watch strategy. This rising inflation is a big alarm for government of India and people to wake up and look for some alternatives, otherwise soon situation can become out of control.
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Last time, in 1995 in the Month of May inflation was reported 11.11%, after which inflation never again touched back this height. However, this time inflation is making new records and moreover, there are good chances that inflation value can further increase in future because crude oil and palm oil prices are still not stable in world market. Last week, inflation figure was only 8.75% and people only expected marginal increase in inflation this week.
However, new figures of inflation surprised every person. These increasing figures are also pointing towards increasing difficulties for common Indians, who are already suffering from massive price rise of essential commodities. Major Price rise is seen in eatable items which effects very hardly to general public of India. People’s kitchen budget is rising at alarming rate every month, thus collapsing total budget of ordinary Indians.
Prices of most of the essential eatable items have already seen many times jumps. However, government of India also look helpless in this situation and they are only using wait and watch strategy. This rising inflation is a big alarm for government of India and people to wake up and look for some alternatives, otherwise soon situation can become out of control.
Also visit-How it is becoming difficult to live in India?
Cost of living life in Big Cities
Sad Condition of Indian farmers