Yesterday, Bandra court decided to give the custody of Amir Khan’s brother Faisal Khan (Mela fame) to his father Tahir Hussain. This judgement has come as big setback for the Amir Khan because Amir Khan tried every available option to win this case. Amir Khan gave number of reason behind retaining the custody of his brother like
1) Mental condition of his brother is not fine.
2) His father is not financially capable of taking care of Faisal because being declared bank corrupt by the bank.
3) His father has done second marriage.
However, still Amir Khan failed in winning this case and even this whole case back fired on him with his brother making number of fresh allegations against him publically. In a live interview to private channel, Faisal put number of allegations on his brother which are
1) Amir Khan is forcefully trying to prove him as mentally upset.
2) Amir Khan is trying to block his career.
3) Amir Khan took law in his hand by forcefully sending him to the hospital.
4) Amir Khan also has one more wife Jessica and one child with her.
5) Amir Khan is involved in womanising.
6) Amir Khan is trying to control the family.
7) Amir Khan is disrespecting his father for marrying second time while he himself has done the same thing.
During the whole one and half hour live interview on the Live India TV channel, Faisal looked absolutely normal and gave satisfactory answer to the questions being asked to him. This matter has put number of Amir Khan’s personal matter in the public light. At present Amir Khan’s family looks divided on this issue with nobody wants to listen to the other group. We all can hope that this personal matter of the Amir Khan will be soon solved inside family amicably.
Also watch this CNN-IBN report on this case-
Video 1-
Video 2-
Also read-1)Amir do smoke when stressed
2)Getting divorce from Amir Khan
3)Video of recent fight between Amir and Shahrukh
4)Update of Aishwarya’ first Karwa Chauth and video
5))Mukesh Ambani is now world's Richest Person
1) Mental condition of his brother is not fine.
2) His father is not financially capable of taking care of Faisal because being declared bank corrupt by the bank.
3) His father has done second marriage.
However, still Amir Khan failed in winning this case and even this whole case back fired on him with his brother making number of fresh allegations against him publically. In a live interview to private channel, Faisal put number of allegations on his brother which are
1) Amir Khan is forcefully trying to prove him as mentally upset.
2) Amir Khan is trying to block his career.
3) Amir Khan took law in his hand by forcefully sending him to the hospital.
4) Amir Khan also has one more wife Jessica and one child with her.
5) Amir Khan is involved in womanising.
6) Amir Khan is trying to control the family.
7) Amir Khan is disrespecting his father for marrying second time while he himself has done the same thing.
During the whole one and half hour live interview on the Live India TV channel, Faisal looked absolutely normal and gave satisfactory answer to the questions being asked to him. This matter has put number of Amir Khan’s personal matter in the public light. At present Amir Khan’s family looks divided on this issue with nobody wants to listen to the other group. We all can hope that this personal matter of the Amir Khan will be soon solved inside family amicably.
Also watch this CNN-IBN report on this case-
Video 1-
Video 2-
Also read-1)Amir do smoke when stressed
2)Getting divorce from Amir Khan
3)Video of recent fight between Amir and Shahrukh
4)Update of Aishwarya’ first Karwa Chauth and video
5))Mukesh Ambani is now world's Richest Person