On Tuesday, 9 October, Indian Stocked market achieved new heights, as BSE Sensex crossed 18000 points mark for the first time. Yesterday with 789 points jump stock market created history by reaching 18,327 points. In the yesterday’s jump in stock market Foreign investor played major role as they bought shares worth Rs 1416.72 crore, which is a big investment by foreign investors in the single day. Reliance group of shares also played vital role in the increase in market as Reliance group of shares contributed around 193 points increase in overall 789 point increase.
Moreover this trend is also continued for the second day as today on 10 October Stock market saw further gain of 378 points which raised the market to new high level of 18658.25 points. This more than 1100 points increase within two days in stock market has also seeded hopes of market crossing 19000 marks within this week. Tomorrow market only needs a 342 points increase for creating a new history in the stock market trade. Even most of the experts also believe that chances of stock market crossing 19000 points are very high because foreign investors are showing greater interest in Indian stock market.
The major reason behind this increasing foreign investment in the Indian stock market is chances of higher returns in Indian stock market as compared to other stock markets of the world. Therefore, in the near future we should not be surprised to see much more foreign investment in Indian stock market. The other factor is increasing and stable economy of India where most of the business sectors are showing great performance and thus insuring higher returns for the investors. Third factor which is pushing more investment towards India is increasing price of Indian rupee against the US dollar, due to which large number of NRIs and foreign investors want to invest their money in India before Indian rupee become more strong and thus decrease the value of their US dollar holdings.
All these three factors for time being look in the favour of Indian stock market and therefore people of India should not feel surprise if they see Indian stock market crossing 20000 points within this years. However, all this has created some apprehensions in the minds of small investors who are worried about the any sudden decrease in the market in the near future and therefore they are avoiding investing in the stock market. Even India Finance minister is required to appeal caution to people while investing in the stock market. My opinion to people will also be same because now market is going through the time of high gains and high risks.
Also read-1)Why India stock market is down?
2)Indian Stock market saw highest gain in Single day
3)India stock market crossed 20,000 mark for first time
4)Indian stock market crashing 1000 points in two days
5)Mukesh Ambani is now Richest Indian in World
6) India Stock Market- BSE at 17000 and NSE at 5000
7) Indian Stock Market Reached 13000 mark
8)Live NSE and BSE
Moreover this trend is also continued for the second day as today on 10 October Stock market saw further gain of 378 points which raised the market to new high level of 18658.25 points. This more than 1100 points increase within two days in stock market has also seeded hopes of market crossing 19000 marks within this week. Tomorrow market only needs a 342 points increase for creating a new history in the stock market trade. Even most of the experts also believe that chances of stock market crossing 19000 points are very high because foreign investors are showing greater interest in Indian stock market.
The major reason behind this increasing foreign investment in the Indian stock market is chances of higher returns in Indian stock market as compared to other stock markets of the world. Therefore, in the near future we should not be surprised to see much more foreign investment in Indian stock market. The other factor is increasing and stable economy of India where most of the business sectors are showing great performance and thus insuring higher returns for the investors. Third factor which is pushing more investment towards India is increasing price of Indian rupee against the US dollar, due to which large number of NRIs and foreign investors want to invest their money in India before Indian rupee become more strong and thus decrease the value of their US dollar holdings.
All these three factors for time being look in the favour of Indian stock market and therefore people of India should not feel surprise if they see Indian stock market crossing 20000 points within this years. However, all this has created some apprehensions in the minds of small investors who are worried about the any sudden decrease in the market in the near future and therefore they are avoiding investing in the stock market. Even India Finance minister is required to appeal caution to people while investing in the stock market. My opinion to people will also be same because now market is going through the time of high gains and high risks.
Also read-1)Why India stock market is down?
2)Indian Stock market saw highest gain in Single day
3)India stock market crossed 20,000 mark for first time
4)Indian stock market crashing 1000 points in two days
5)Mukesh Ambani is now Richest Indian in World
6) India Stock Market- BSE at 17000 and NSE at 5000
7) Indian Stock Market Reached 13000 mark
8)Live NSE and BSE