20-20 world cup has also bring with itself number of good gift for the leading Indian cricket stars like Dhoni and Yuvraj Singh. Already both Dhoni and Yuvraj Singh has earned crores of rupees in prizes for their brilliant performance in the twenty20 world cup. Now this peer is also all set to see huge jump in the amount of their advertising contacts. So far both Yuvraj and Dhoni were earning around Rs 75 lack from single ad and now advertisers have increased this amount to rupees Rs 1.25 crore. After the win in the 20-20 cup both Dhoni and Yuvraj singh have emerged as favourites of the cricket fans and therefore number of advertisers feel that it is right time to get their products endorsed from these stars. With this increase, this peer is all set to earn around Rs 40-50 crore per year from advertisements alone. This year has really provided very successful for this peer in term of earning good money. Already number of advertisements of Dhoni and Yuvraj are currently running on the TV channels and now after this fabulous win, we can hope to see increase in their advertisements on small screen.
Read all the latest and interesting posts on the 20-20 cricket world cup
Read all the latest and interesting posts on the 20-20 cricket world cup