Finally Abhishek and Aishwarya Marriage begins

Finally the most happening marriage of the Indian stars Abhishek Bachan and Aishwarya Rai have finally started with lot of hype. Yesterday there was Lady sangeet which was attending by many famous stars and friends of the both Abhishek and Aishwarya. However as this marriage is restricted to very less special guest and official rights of the marriage being sold, no proper knowledge is available about the marriage.

Still people are hopeful of getting some news about the marriage. Fans of the both Abhishek and Aishwarya are lining up on the gates of the bachan’s and aishwarya Rai’s house for getting the glimpse of their favorite star. Not only the people living in the Mumbai are excited about this marriage but the fans around India are trying to get any information related to the marriage. Lot of the newspapers, TV and Radio channels are providing whatsoever update they have with them.

In simple words we can say this is the most happening marriage of the year which has attracted the attention of so many people. Today and tomorrow, the main functions of the marriage will happen. Aishwarya will leave to the Abhishek house on 21 i.e. vidayee of Aishwarya will happen on this day. Most of the news tells that marriage is going to happen with the Rai’s family traditions. Hopefully, we will learn everything about the marriage when everything about the marriage will be officially out.

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