The cases running for corruption against Akali Dal leaders could land them in crisis in the forthcoming Punjab elections. Former Chief Minister Prakash Singh Badal is supposed to have collected property more than his income. Presently Akali Dal supreme and former Chief Minister Prakash Singh Badal and his son Sukhbir Singh Badal are facing trails in the special court set up at Roopnagar (Punjab). 23rd was the date set for the accused to appear before the court including former Chief Minister Prakash Singh Badal and others.
The main problem for Akali Dal is that the elections are on the corner and involvement of his top leaders in the corruption cases could spoil its dreams in the Punjab Election 2007. Akali Dal may be trying to term all this cases as political assaults against them by the present congress government in the state. However, still these cases and any adverse result from them could land Akali Dal in major trouble and future aspirations of the Akali Dal supreme and former Chief Minister Prakash Singh Badal and his son.
Congress will try all its best to exploit this golden opportunity to campaign against the Akali Dal and may be, they succeed in getting some mileage from all this. The major disadvantage for the Akali Dal is that these cases started just before the Punjab Assembly elections scheduled earlier next year. The other problem which both the parties are facing is non availability of any concrete agenda to fight the elections. Only both the parties are trying to get the attention of people through the long and big hoardings and big rallies. All these things are leading Punjab elections towards an unpredictable outcome, where people are even confused to decide their choice.
Get all on Punjab Election 2007
Punjab election 2007
The main problem for Akali Dal is that the elections are on the corner and involvement of his top leaders in the corruption cases could spoil its dreams in the Punjab Election 2007. Akali Dal may be trying to term all this cases as political assaults against them by the present congress government in the state. However, still these cases and any adverse result from them could land Akali Dal in major trouble and future aspirations of the Akali Dal supreme and former Chief Minister Prakash Singh Badal and his son.
Congress will try all its best to exploit this golden opportunity to campaign against the Akali Dal and may be, they succeed in getting some mileage from all this. The major disadvantage for the Akali Dal is that these cases started just before the Punjab Assembly elections scheduled earlier next year. The other problem which both the parties are facing is non availability of any concrete agenda to fight the elections. Only both the parties are trying to get the attention of people through the long and big hoardings and big rallies. All these things are leading Punjab elections towards an unpredictable outcome, where people are even confused to decide their choice.
Get all on Punjab Election 2007
Punjab election 2007