There is some bad news for the Akali-BJP combine which could affect its performance in the coming elections. First is three year rigorous imprisonment awarded to the star campaigner of this combine i.e. to Mr Navjyot Sidhu. This conviction has created some bad image for Navjyot Sidhu. Due to this episode, Navjyot sidhu has lost his image of clean and innocent person. Many people believe that Navjyot Sidhu has committed crime and therefore he should be punished. Moreover with this conviction, the congress has got a point to make in elections and therefore it will try its hard to make maximum mileage from this issue. Second issue which could affect Akali-BJP combine is starting of the trails against Akali Dal supremo Prakesh Singh Badal and his son. There are many charges of corruption pending against them during their tenure five years back. Supreme Court’s recent order has made it possible to start fast track trails against them; so far it is purposed to have daily hearing for these cases and result is expected in six months. These cases may erode energy and time of the Akali Leaders from election and moreover all this has again reminded people of the wide spread corruption during their tenure. Definitely, congress is going to exploit these issues to the maximum. If Akali-BJP leadership does not come with some solid come back strategy then it may be an easy win back for Congress.
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