The Punjab Chief Minister Capt Amarinder Singh recently concluded his second phase of vikas yatra. So far his vikas yatra is successful and is able to generate crowd for it. All this has made congress more hopeful of winning this election. However the major problem which is come as barrier in this is no solid ground work done by congress regime in last five years. At the name of vikas (progress) only few projects are completed and still many issues are remaining pending. Now as the elections are coming near and by seeing the defeat of congress in upcoming elections Chief Minister decided this strategy. However the problem is that people are not fool that they start believing this vikas yatra as a real vikas. Most of the projects which are completed by Punjab government are mostly behind the schedule or started by the previous government. It is true that many people gathered to receive Capt Amarinder Singh but still congress needs lot of miracles to save its defeat. Akali Dal and BJP combine is showing a big threat to present government. Both the parties are showing strong presence in their strong holds, which could be big threat to Congress government. This is a bigger issue with most of the Indian governments that they do not perform well when they have enough time but in the end look for miracles. Today’s people are more smart and know all the realities, therefore it is in the benefit of government to perform if they want to see their party reelected.
Role of rural Punjab in this election
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Punjab Election 2007
Role of rural Punjab in this election
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Punjab Election 2007
Punjab Election 2007