Earning money from a blog is the concept started by Google and it is made possible with Google/adsense program. Google/adsense is the program which allows you to put Google ads on your blog. When ever people click on the ads google credit your account with money ranging from $.01 to $100. Some of the bloggers have earned huge amount of money with this method. However from the starting of this year blogger are not getting much revenue from Google/adsense. The revenues from Google/adsense have decreased many times. Many people have pointed this change as death of Google/adsene. However so far Google is silent on this whole issue and did not want to die like this their program which has helped them earn huge amount of money. Many experts are indicating that google may be coming up with Google/adsense-2 program next few months. Yahoo the arch rival of Google have already lauched their beta ads related program and it is supposed to open for all from the beginning of next year. It will take some time for us to see the outcome of all this programs.