Welcome summer 2006

Finally I am here in summer 2006. I hate summers because it causes lot of sweating. It spoils lot of our food items. It is very difficult to go out in the afternoon in summers. Diarrhea and dysentery are very common. A small mistake done in food or drinking may cause disasters. Food poisoning is very common. All these makes summers a bad experience for me. However still it has some advantages, as it increases the time for work. Nights come late in the summers. Unlike winters you can easily wake up in morning.

In India summers starts in mid March and lasts up to mid September. Every year, many people die because of diarrhea, dysentery, food poisoning and other water born diseases. India has still to grow up in hygienic level. Most of India is covered with dirty roads, pounds and locations. There are no proper systems for disposal of wastage available in most parts of India. All these situations become alarming in summers and especially after rains. Government of India is still deaf on these common issues. Government has taken some steps but they are very less then the required ones.

At some places, people have themselves started coming out. New housing colonies are being made after taking into account all this. More and more places are now getting connected with sewerage system. For making India a clean and healthy nation not only the government but every Indian has to perform his duty. Most of Indian wants their homes clean but they never care about the cleanliness of there surroundings, parks and public transports. If everyone realizes his duty then India will also welcome the summer like other western nations.

An Indian

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