
Google is always known for it unique ideas. Google/Adsense is a unique program which pays you for putting its ads on your page. You are credited according the clicks on the ad. More the clicks on ads more the money earned by you. For many websites this is a good revenue source. Many webmaster earned wisely with it. Initially it is in the reach of few, however now anybody can us it. You are simply required a website or web space where you can place these ads.

Simply go to and open your account. This is simple registration form. It only requires information’s about your site, your mailing address for sending the claques. After opening your account with the Google/Adsense you are require to go to the Adsense for content page. In this page you will find the specifications of ads you want to put on your page. You can choose the size of ad according to suitability of space on your size. Generating the ads of required size are very easy, you have to only click on the required thing.

On the specification given by an automatic HTML code will be generated on the bottom of page. You are only requiring adding it on the HTML code page of your site and save the settings. Within minutes an ad column will starts appearing on your page. The code generated to you will be unique and automatically register clicks in your account when some one clicks on ads of your website. You can see your earnings by daily by logging on to Google/Adsense account.

Google spends you claques at the end of each month only if your earnings are more then $100. Otherwise your earnings of this month will be added to next month. Instead of this you can also add Google search and referral on your sites. For the searches and referrals you also get commissions. In the same way you can also generate code for them and put them on your site. All this is an easy process. Only you require a web space which is frequently visited by others. For earning handsome money from this program you require good traffic on website approximately 500-1000 people should visit your site daily. Then you can think of gaining $ 200-300. Good Luck.
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