There many fools in world who think that they are smart
people in this world and everyone else are a fool. They use their smartness in
wrong manner just to drag down others. They never use their smartness to uplift
others. Many times, such people succeed in getting appreciation of others on
the account of defaming others. However, in long run such people just get punch
of life in a hard manner because life is a smart teacher.
It knows very well to
educate people who do not follow right path. It is nice to be a smart person;
however, it totally wrong to use this smartness for the wrong purpose. When you
will use your smartness to hurt others then god will take back this smartness
from you. On the other hand, when you will use your smartness for the welfare
of others then God will reward you will more smartness.
It is important to see
position of other person before making any judgment because he may be crossing
through some difficult time or he may be facing many other reasons. Just
finding faults in others is easiest task in this world which any silly person
can do. Do not use your smartness for this wrong reason.