If you are becoming angry on small -2 things in life then
frustration can be a big reason behind all this because when we become
frustrated with life then anger becomes a common story of life. To control
anger, it is first important for us to resolve our frustrations. We all live in
a very competitive world where success and failures are very common. When
people get failures in life then they mostly become frustrated. Now when
numbers of such frustrations increases with time then people start becoming
Level of anger further increases with increase in frustrations. The best
way to resolve frustrations is to learn to accept life and its outcomes as it
is as they are. There are many things in life over which we have no control;
therefore, we should not become frustrated over such incidences and situations
in life. It is very important for any person to resolve his frustration because
otherwise frustrations can cause many problems in life including high level of