3g was launched in India with much fun fare and it was claimed that people will get high speed data at affordable rates. However, even after three years of its launch 3G network coverage has not improved in India. Most of 3G networks are still struggling and we find them absent at most of places. I am not pointing about remote places but about many places insides cities where people do not get proper 3g coverage. It looks that most of 3g operators are not taking any interest in increasing coverage of 3g.
By this time, 3g should have reached every home and town in India but sadly, its position has weakened with time. 3g has great power in it to revolutionize telecom industry in India; therefore, Government and Telecom operators should work in direction to strengthen 3g services in India. There is news that 4g trails are running in India and it will be launched in India soon. However, when we do not have good 3g network then how we can hope for good 4g network.
By this time, 3g should have reached every home and town in India but sadly, its position has weakened with time. 3g has great power in it to revolutionize telecom industry in India; therefore, Government and Telecom operators should work in direction to strengthen 3g services in India. There is news that 4g trails are running in India and it will be launched in India soon. However, when we do not have good 3g network then how we can hope for good 4g network.