31st july is last date to pay tax in India for all salary class persons. Today, it has become much easier to pay tax and we can pay our tax online in few minutes. Money collected from taxes is used for the welfare of country; therefore, it is very important for every citizen of India to pay their taxes honestly and on time. People who want to file their income online can read useful article How to file e-return (Income tax return online) India? (Updated).
Few years back before the start of online filing of income tax return, it was very cumbersome job to pay tax. People were required to visit many times offices of tax lawyers, accountants and income tax officials to file their tax on time. Despite so many efforts, people used to face numbers of rejections due to various errors. Now thanks to online Tax filing, it has become few minutes job to pay income tax on time and with in few months, people can get back tax refunds.
For the growth of any country, it is very important that its citizens should pay their taxes on time and properly. Governments use these funds to construct important infrastructures for country which in returns help public. Governments also run on these funds; therefore, lack of funds can disrupt smooth running of a government. Many people do not pay their taxes honestly and thus cheat country.
These people do not realize that they are hindering the growth of nation by not giving their contributions needed for the growth of country. It is moral duty of every person to understand this fact and pay his or her tax on time so that our country can become a great nation.
Few years back before the start of online filing of income tax return, it was very cumbersome job to pay tax. People were required to visit many times offices of tax lawyers, accountants and income tax officials to file their tax on time. Despite so many efforts, people used to face numbers of rejections due to various errors. Now thanks to online Tax filing, it has become few minutes job to pay income tax on time and with in few months, people can get back tax refunds.
For the growth of any country, it is very important that its citizens should pay their taxes on time and properly. Governments use these funds to construct important infrastructures for country which in returns help public. Governments also run on these funds; therefore, lack of funds can disrupt smooth running of a government. Many people do not pay their taxes honestly and thus cheat country.
These people do not realize that they are hindering the growth of nation by not giving their contributions needed for the growth of country. It is moral duty of every person to understand this fact and pay his or her tax on time so that our country can become a great nation.