With the end of cricket world cup, it is time for IPL’s (Indian Premium league) fourth season. From 8th Aril, IPL 4 will start with opening ceremony and first match of IPL at Chennai. So far, all seasons of IPL have remained very popular in India and we can hope that IPL 4 will see same kind of response from public. This time 10 teams will take part in IPL as Kochi Tuskers (Kerala) and Pune Warriors are new addition to IPL team list.
With addition of two more teams to IPL, we can hope for more enjoyment in IPL 4. IPL 4 will start on 8th April, 2011 at Chennai and it will end on 28th May with final match at Chennai too. In IPL 4, we will not see quarter final and semi final matches as BCCI has changed pattern of IPL slightly. Now there will be first qualifier match between first and second team of IPL as per points.
Winning team will go to final while losing team will play again second Qualifier with winning team of Eliminator (match between third and fourth teams of IPL). Therefore, we can see more twist in IPL 4 where there are more chances of major upsets. However, IPL 4 schedule looks to be very lengthy and it is longer than cricket world cup.
This time IPL will go without Lalit Modi because BCCI has sacked him for financial irregularities. In India cricket is very popular and new experiments like IPL have worked well too. IPL 4 is also likely to become a success because abundance of cricket action is present in it which Indian cricket fans want to see.
With addition of two more teams to IPL, we can hope for more enjoyment in IPL 4. IPL 4 will start on 8th April, 2011 at Chennai and it will end on 28th May with final match at Chennai too. In IPL 4, we will not see quarter final and semi final matches as BCCI has changed pattern of IPL slightly. Now there will be first qualifier match between first and second team of IPL as per points.
Winning team will go to final while losing team will play again second Qualifier with winning team of Eliminator (match between third and fourth teams of IPL). Therefore, we can see more twist in IPL 4 where there are more chances of major upsets. However, IPL 4 schedule looks to be very lengthy and it is longer than cricket world cup.
This time IPL will go without Lalit Modi because BCCI has sacked him for financial irregularities. In India cricket is very popular and new experiments like IPL have worked well too. IPL 4 is also likely to become a success because abundance of cricket action is present in it which Indian cricket fans want to see.