Bharat Bandh- A success or just Tamasha

Today’s Bharat Bandh by opposition parties got good success and most of parts of India observed full or partial bandh. The main opposition party of India Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP) gave this bandh and other opposition parties supported it. The main reason of wide spread impact of bandh is support of all opposition parties to bandh. In last few years, prices of common goods have increased many times, thus common people are finding it hard to live under present conditions. Therefore, opposition parties are seeing a good opportunity in this whole matter to get back to power or increase their support among people.

If we ask for success or failure of bandh then it is very hard to define whether bandh was a success or failure. We will only be able to say this bandh successful if common people see any decrease in prices of common goods; however, still government of India has not announced any measures to stop increasing prices. Many opposition parties do run various state governments and they have imposed huge taxes on common people; therefore, actually no political thinks about common people. All parties only want to come to power by using this issue so this whole exercise by opposition becomes a drama. Still we can hope that this bandh will put pressure on Indian government to take measures to provide relief to common people so that they can live comfortable life.
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