Last year, Reliance launched India’s first wireless broadband service with the name of Reliance Netconnect. Today, Reliance’s wireless broadband service is very popular because at present it only has competition with Tata’s wireless broadband service with name of Tata Photon. Reliance claims that its wireless broadband service is available in 62 cities and it offer as high speed as 3.1 Mbps. People can buy Reliance Netconnect Data Card by paying Rs 2499 and there are multiple monthly plans available as per need of customers from Rs 299 to Rs 1750.
At present no unlimited usage plan is available from Reliance and most of its wireless broadband plans are much expansive than landline broadband connections. Reliance netconnect service is available in both postpaid and prepaid plans. Recently, I got chance to use Reliance netconnect wireless broadband connection at New Delhi and Ludhiana. I did various tests related to speed of net connection and found that despite many claims by Reliance speed is still poor; though, this service is good for people who travel constantly and do not have any other better option.
Claim of 3.1 Mbps speed is very high and it is even harder to find speed of 256 Kbps at certain locations where this service is available. Other than 62 cities where Reliance do not have broadband network, this connection work as ordinary slow speed internet connection. Reliance is still required to strengthen its network in big way and plus they are required to decrease usage plans to make this service more realistic. If people do not travel much then I will advice landline broadband connection which is still cheap and best option.