It is very easy to find millions of people in this world who lose their present for their past. It is very important for every person to understand that past is a lost game and we cannot do anything about it whereas present is new opportunity available in our hands. Unfortunately, many people fail in understanding opportunity of present available in their hands; therefore, they lose most of their valuable time worrying or remembering their past life.
Due to this reason, past life also starts affecting their present life thus making it hard for them to enjoy their present life and present opportunities. Present is only reality in front of us and it is important to not waste any of present opportunities waiting for us; for example, we cannot lose our present relationships for our past relationships. Life is a rare opportunity available in our hands; therefore, it is very important to exploit this opportunity fully.
Worrying about past or remembering past will not do any benefit to us but it will only waste our present time. Though, we can learn many valuable lessons from our past mistakes; however, it is important to not repeat these mistakes again and again.