Live in relations are not new for Western world; however, Live in relationships are very new for India and they have created lots of controversies recently. Few days back, Supreme Court of India put approval stamp on live in relations thus making it totally legal in India to live in a live in relationship. Live in relationship is any relationship where boy and girl live together without formally marrying each other.
Indian social system still does not recognise such relationships and such relationships are not welcomed in our society. Though, live in relationships can be found in big cities and in upper educated class of people who do not want to enter in any commitment of marriage; however, such relationships are slowly entering into every walk of life thus making many people uncomfortable.
Mostly, it is believed in society that people living in live in relations put bad impressions of younger generation and thus increasing spread of these relationships in India. So, large part of Indian society across all sections of life is coming forward to raise their voice against such relationships. At present resistance is very hard for live in relationships in India and it is hard to see any change in this view point of people.
Though, live in relations are also going to stay in our society despite all resistance and in future, we can only see increase in such relationships because of failure of increasing numbers of marriages in India and decreasing commitment level among people.