Movie Life partner released last Friday and it is running well across India. This film basically comes under the category of films “Watch, Laugh and Forget”. People can definitely go to watch this movie and enjoy numbers of hilarious moments. Cast of film include Fardeen Khan, Tusshar Kapoor, Govinda, Genelia Dsouza, Prachi Desai and Anupam Kher etc. Director of film is Rumi Jaffery and this film is produced by Abbas Mastan.
This film is about two friends who have different thinking about marriage and before marriage relations. One friend fall in love and marry his love while other friend choose to do arrange marriage; however, story of both ends at divorce. This film also tries to highlight difficulties present in married life in a lighter manner while making people to laugh. People gets lot of opportunity to laugh through this film and this film can be rated as one time watch.
Acting wise all actors are OK and there is nothing extraordinary acting wise in this film. This is a good film to watch in the company of numbers of other people and laugh at numerous jokes present throughout the film. Overall, we can give rating 2 out of 5 to this film.
This film is about two friends who have different thinking about marriage and before marriage relations. One friend fall in love and marry his love while other friend choose to do arrange marriage; however, story of both ends at divorce. This film also tries to highlight difficulties present in married life in a lighter manner while making people to laugh. People gets lot of opportunity to laugh through this film and this film can be rated as one time watch.
Acting wise all actors are OK and there is nothing extraordinary acting wise in this film. This is a good film to watch in the company of numbers of other people and laugh at numerous jokes present throughout the film. Overall, we can give rating 2 out of 5 to this film.
Also visit-Movie Review Kaminey