Today, we see lots of people struggling with their complex lives because they made their simple lives very complex. Life is very simple, if we can give importance to basic truth of life which is birth and death; however, we people add so many things in this life due to our expectations or ego and made our lives complex. Every person is born in this world and he is certain to die at some time in future.
To explain this concept, we can give the example of bubble of water which came in to existence for few seconds and soon disappear like it never appeared. We also live a similar life in this world, we take birth on this world and one day die to disappear permanently like we never existed. However, due to their ego people try to create so many things in life so that they can be remembered permanently in this world.
Ultimately, everything dies in this world only difference is some things die early and other late but everything dies for permanently. People who understand this concept, they never worry about creating a permanent existence for themselves or their belongings. These people only live like a water bubble and enjoy every second of their existence. It only depends on person that he wants to make his life simple or complex and it is our choice if we are living a simple life or complex life.
To explain this concept, we can give the example of bubble of water which came in to existence for few seconds and soon disappear like it never appeared. We also live a similar life in this world, we take birth on this world and one day die to disappear permanently like we never existed. However, due to their ego people try to create so many things in life so that they can be remembered permanently in this world.
Ultimately, everything dies in this world only difference is some things die early and other late but everything dies for permanently. People who understand this concept, they never worry about creating a permanent existence for themselves or their belongings. These people only live like a water bubble and enjoy every second of their existence. It only depends on person that he wants to make his life simple or complex and it is our choice if we are living a simple life or complex life.
Life is Simple