Last year, when I first got a chance to use, a micro social blogging website, then I was not sure that this website will make any big impact on internet. However, in just one year, this website has become a big success and every person wants to get maximum benefit of this micro blogging platform. On twitter, people can post 140 word small posts or links on their twitter blogs.
These micro twitter blogs are then followed by large numbers of people who find these stuffs interesting. The main advantage of is that we can easily share large amount of useful information with our family, friends or follower by posting 140 word small posts. It is very easy to use twitter and there are many desktop applications like twhirl which makes it possible to submit posts from desktop to twitter account.
The main advantage with twitter is that it is very easy to run and maintain this small micro blog; moreover, it is further easy for other people to follow certain blogs on twitter. By following desired micro blogs on twitter, people can easily remain updated about the latest content of information which they are seeking. Already, there are large numbers of successful twitter micro blogs on various topics which have thousands of followers.
Twitter is important for people who want to share their information fast and it is also important for people who want to get information fast, therefore, twitter actually help both kind of people. It is also possible to see number of similar websites based on the micro blogging principle of twitter. In the present world, it is very hard for any person to undermine the importance of twitter because huge amount of information is waiting for us on twitter.
These micro twitter blogs are then followed by large numbers of people who find these stuffs interesting. The main advantage of is that we can easily share large amount of useful information with our family, friends or follower by posting 140 word small posts. It is very easy to use twitter and there are many desktop applications like twhirl which makes it possible to submit posts from desktop to twitter account.
The main advantage with twitter is that it is very easy to run and maintain this small micro blog; moreover, it is further easy for other people to follow certain blogs on twitter. By following desired micro blogs on twitter, people can easily remain updated about the latest content of information which they are seeking. Already, there are large numbers of successful twitter micro blogs on various topics which have thousands of followers.
Twitter is important for people who want to share their information fast and it is also important for people who want to get information fast, therefore, twitter actually help both kind of people. It is also possible to see number of similar websites based on the micro blogging principle of twitter. In the present world, it is very hard for any person to undermine the importance of twitter because huge amount of information is waiting for us on twitter.