Today, 81st Oscar awards bring a good news for billions of Indian when Indian Sound designer Resul Pookutty wins his first ever Oscar award. It took almost 17 year for any Indian to win an Oscar award. This Oscar award has made India alive on Oscar again. Resul Pookutty also worked for recent Indian hit film “Ghajini”. He has also worked for films like Ghandi my Father, Everybody Says I’m Fine, Mithya, Amu etc.
This Oscar award win by Resul Pookutty will have significant importance for lot of Indian filmmakers and people associated with Indian film industry. Resul Pookutty belongs to a small Kerala village Vilakupara. His village is just 50 KM from Thiruvananthapura capital of Kerala. This 36 year old sound designer has made whole of India and Indian film industry happy and we can expect many more such achievements by him.
This Oscar award win by Resul Pookutty will have significant importance for lot of Indian filmmakers and people associated with Indian film industry. Resul Pookutty belongs to a small Kerala village Vilakupara. His village is just 50 KM from Thiruvananthapura capital of Kerala. This 36 year old sound designer has made whole of India and Indian film industry happy and we can expect many more such achievements by him.