Presently, this is biggest query which I am getting from lots of people. Everyone wants to know that are we really going to die on this Wednesday. For this, we can thank to our media channels and news papers, which are running this story that we can die on Wednesday because some scientists in Geneva are going to conduct an experiment called Big Bang Experiment. Actually, scientists want to know that how our world evolved and they are hoping to find their answers with the help of this experiment.
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More than 7000 scientists from 85 different countries are involved in this experiment and they have made underground 27 KM long loop below French Swiss boarder to conduct this experiment where they will fire micro particulars less than size of atom. Now, how we are going to die due to this experiment then answer is that few scientists (not part of this program) believe that this experiment could be dangerous and can cause our earth to become a black Hole, thus destroying this whole world of ours.
Though, these scientists have so far failed in giving any hard proof in this regard and European court has also given permission for this experiment. Moreover, scientists associated with this experiment have assured people that they have taken all necessary precautions and there is nothing to worry. Therefore, I can say that there is nothing to worry for us and in future we can have even more big scale experiments like this.
Second, there are thousands of atomic bombs present in this world and any accident in only few them is enough for destroying this world. People are fearful of this experiment because they know about it, now what about hundreds of other similar experiments which are performed without our knowledge. Finally, I will only say that mostly nothing will happen to us on Wednesday and if anything happens then we will definitely be not in control, then we should be worry.