Among the films releasing today, Dasavatharam is most hyped and anticipated film both in Hindi and Tamil. Though, today this film is released in Tamil only and Hindi version of film will be released after two weeks. Despite this, Dasavatharam is able to create big curiosity in the minds of Hindi film viewers. Already, 20 lakh advance tickets of this film are sold and therefore, this film is already houseful for next two weeks.
Watch Trailer Kamal Hasan’s Dasavatharam
Kamal Hasan fans are already very existed about this film and want to watch this film as soon as possible. So far, this is one of biggest budget film in Indian film industry made with a whooping cost of 65 crore rupees. The main attraction of this film is 10 different avatars of Kamal Hasan showing him in 10 different characters. This film also fought court battle because of objections raised over this film by some Hindu organisations for hurting sentiments of Hindus.
Film stars back in 12th century showing Kamal Hasan giving his life for his devotion for Lord Vishnu. Later Kamal Hasan take nine more characters to save world from biological warfare which is the main part of film and full of extraordinary action and graphics. During his nine avatars Kamal Hasan reach many different parts of world to save world from biological war, thus providing an opportunity to watch many attractive locations while enjoying action and fun.
Kamal Hasan has again done an excellent job by making this film which will be remembered for many years in Indian cinema and change the way of film production in India. Though, this film has some weakness when it comes to story because story looks weak at number of places and some acts provide no logic. After watching complete film 10 avatars slightly look forced on the film, still this film is a good experiment in India cinema and will definitely increases the level of Indian cinema.
Other main attraction of this film is excellent acting of Kamal Hasan which make Dasvtharam a good film to watch. Overall, Dasavtharam is a good watch at least for great graphic work, Kamal Hasan’s acting, imagination and world travel. Though, this film is not his best film but still this film will do good business and become hit, rest it depends on the individual taste and his fan following.
Points- 3/5
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Kismat Konnection review
Watch Trailer Kamal Hasan’s Dasavatharam
Kamal Hasan fans are already very existed about this film and want to watch this film as soon as possible. So far, this is one of biggest budget film in Indian film industry made with a whooping cost of 65 crore rupees. The main attraction of this film is 10 different avatars of Kamal Hasan showing him in 10 different characters. This film also fought court battle because of objections raised over this film by some Hindu organisations for hurting sentiments of Hindus.
Film stars back in 12th century showing Kamal Hasan giving his life for his devotion for Lord Vishnu. Later Kamal Hasan take nine more characters to save world from biological warfare which is the main part of film and full of extraordinary action and graphics. During his nine avatars Kamal Hasan reach many different parts of world to save world from biological war, thus providing an opportunity to watch many attractive locations while enjoying action and fun.
Kamal Hasan has again done an excellent job by making this film which will be remembered for many years in Indian cinema and change the way of film production in India. Though, this film has some weakness when it comes to story because story looks weak at number of places and some acts provide no logic. After watching complete film 10 avatars slightly look forced on the film, still this film is a good experiment in India cinema and will definitely increases the level of Indian cinema.
Other main attraction of this film is excellent acting of Kamal Hasan which make Dasvtharam a good film to watch. Overall, Dasavtharam is a good watch at least for great graphic work, Kamal Hasan’s acting, imagination and world travel. Though, this film is not his best film but still this film will do good business and become hit, rest it depends on the individual taste and his fan following.
Points- 3/5
Also visit-Reviews of Bollywood Films
Kismat Konnection review