It has now almost become certain that Narendra Modi is again coming back in power in Gujarat. As per the trend, he will get around 100-110 seats (as predicted in exit polls also). This will be a big win for Modi and definitely, he is a real hero of this show. With this BJP is coming to power in Gujarat again and Modi will become chief minister of Gujarat for third time. This time Narendra Modi was facing large amount of opposition from various opponents and even RSS was not supporting his campaign. Despite all the oppositions, Modi has shown to the opponents that it is very hard for them to defeat him. However, Modi will not enjoy the same big majority in Gujarat assembly like in 2002. These results will be a big setback for the Congress which is hoping for win in Gujarat elections. Moreover, exit polls for Himachal have also predicted big defeat for congress in Himachal.
Also visit-Gujarat Election results (LIVE Update)
About Narendra Modi
Also visit-Gujarat Election results (LIVE Update)
About Narendra Modi