In the recently held twenty20 cricket world cup, we saw a great captaincy from the Indian captain M S Dhoni. Today India is a 20-20 world Champion because of wise and skilled captaincy from the Dhoni. Dhoni is a major reason behind this great show by young Indian cricket team. Dhoni took number of bold decisions and devised new strategies, which helped India in winning this game. Most of the people have not expected such good captaincy from a young and new captain. However, Indian captain M S dhoni put all these people wrong by leading well his team to victory in 20-20 world cup. In the recent past, earlier Indian captains are not able to put any impressive show, where as M S dhoni has stolen the show in his first venture of captaincy. However, there might be certain more problems which can come in the way of Dhoni. Present 20-20 team mostly has young players, therefore it was quite easy for the Dhoni to motivate and lead them. Now in regular ODI matches, Dhoni will also have number of much experienced and senior players. This situation could provide a new test for the captaincy of the M S Dhoni and future will tell that how dhoni will emerge from these situations.
Read all the latest and interesting posts on the 20-20 cricket world cup
Read all the latest and interesting posts on the 20-20 cricket world cup