Love is great gift of the god to the mankind, however still we find many people around us using love to do various frauds. In the present world, we can easily find a special intimacy between love and frauds. Mostly girls are major loser in these frauds, as it is clear from the various news and information available with us. Many of the girls even have to pay the value of these frauds with their lives. However getting the answer of this question that why people do frauds is not easy because mostly different people have different motives. But some of the major motives are sex, money and some special benefit. Mostly what women believe as love is a way to get something else for the other. Not all the men are bad or their motives are bad but there are few people who try to use love for their motive. These motives could range from simple sexual favor to criminal desires. Today even women are also not behind in these kinds of frauds. There are many women present in our society who are also involved in much kind of the crimes. Matter is not that who commit these frauds but the matter is people using this great emotion of love. Love is very innocent and pure emotion and it does not see any color, caste or religion, however some mischief element gives a bad name to love due to their wrongful activities.