Patience is a major key for long term success
Patience is something which is mostly under estimated by many when it comes to becoming successful in life. …
Patience is something which is mostly under estimated by many when it comes to becoming successful in life. …
It is common tendency of most of people to fear from facing difficult situations in life. Such people never …
Many parents across the world fail to give enough time to their kids because of their busy lives and schedu…
There is nothing wrong if I say that shopping is an art because many times many people spend lots of money o…
It is dream of many writers to become a good writer; however, very less number of writers actually succeeds…
Few days back, I was looking for a design; however, I have no idea that how I will create it? Then my wife …
Every industrialist knows that it is very hard to smoothly run an industry because of constant demand of indu…
Today, it is hard to find people in real world who are not on facbook. With billion odd users, facebook has…
Recent revelations by Delhi and Mumbai police on cricket and betting has shocked whole nation. How even a si…
I still remember one situation where my cousin sister was not able to find perfect shoes of her size because …
Today, we saw lots of hue and cry about corruption in society and protests against corruption have become …
Heading of this post is telling many things and we can learn from this line “No one is perfect but everyone …
There is nothing wrong if we say that 99.9% of people believe in god because they want god to complete…
Here is second video of beautiful dance by Dadiji on my Son's first birthday on Himachali folk song. Thi…
Today, we live in a world where we do not give importance to simple techniques or methods available in front…
Today, major problem with large numbers of people is that they are living a restless life. They are just run…
Chanakya was one of greatest thinker of his times and his thinking is still very relevant. We can learn lot …
Fear is one of the negative emotions which affect large numbers of people. We all encounter fear at some …
Mostly we consider that physical pains are very bad however, in reality these are mental pains which are wor…
The major difference between successful and unsuccessful people is their approach towards important work. …
Today, social networks have become important part of our life and it is very difficult to underestimate th…
Mid of next year, India will see 2014 Loksabha election and these elections will determine next governmen…
After so many years of independence, India has still not grown fully and one of the major reasons of this…
Many parts of North India are presently facing extreme hot weather with temperature moving above 40 degr…